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Dating Advice Posts
How to keep the conversation flowing

Try these techniques for easy flowing online conversations

If you are new to dating, or have been online dating for a while then try our top tips on how you can keep conversations interesting whether chatting online or in person.

Little and often

Keep momentum going with frequent messages, avoid long conversation type chats, save that for when you plan to meet or chat on a call.

Ask open ended questions

  • How was your weekend?
  • How's your week going so far?
  • What have you been up to lately?
  • How are things with you today?
  • Any fun plans for the weekend?
  • How are you?
  • How's life treating you today?

Make it fun

Open up with a "would you rather" style fun question such as

  • Would you rather make the first move on a date or let your date lead?
  • Would you rather kiss in the dark or kiss in the rain?
  • Would you rather have endless money or endless love?

And you?

The easiest way to finish answering a question is by asking the same back.

Posted October 2022